

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Songs of 2009

This is an awesome music video that compiled most of the popular songs of 2009 into a single song!

- United Stated of Pop 2009 (Blame it on the Pop) by DJ Earworm -

ps, I think the Miley Cyrus parts were a bit off though.
Her parts made me have goose bumps (in a very bad way). Haha.
(Sorry Dorothy, I know you're her big fan but....
I think Miley Cyrus CAN'T sing!!!!! XD)




  1. Never really like her. Hmm =/

  2. Thanks for introducing this remix^^

    Really cool~ haha

    Me also not so into M.Cyrus :D

  3. I don't like Miley Cyrus too.Especially Party in USA. Siennn. But i guess Lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas are the "oommph" of 2009. The remix was almost 50% Lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas songs..

  4. yi han : thx
    jfook : i know!!! actually da front part of "Party in USA" was okay until she was screaming during the chorus. haha. anyway, yea, mainly it was them. haha.

  5. omg....
    such a nice remix of a lot of song in 2009

  6. haha. well, tats y i posted it up! XD

  7. Nicee! I love this! Can I reblog this? -IH

  8. Alright done! - IH


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