Are you a silent reader?
I don't mean books but MY blog. Haha.
I noticed that there are quite a number of people who follows my blog.
One of them is Richard :
I mean, you people will talk to me about it, in msn or face to face but never,
...leave a single trace of your existence on my blog.
*Why do you wanna wear rubber gloves to my blog?!*
I even placed a chatbox on the right conner already.
(Can you SEE it?)
You could at least say "Hi"? Haha.
I mean, if you're a stalker or a copycat, I totally understand the secrecy. Haha.
If you don't know how to comment, you can always click on the "First Timers" at the top of my blog. =)
Answer 5 is pretty useless given that you're a silent reader, I know. Haha.
Time to remove your mask. XD
ps, Won't be around for the next three days. =)
Don't miss me (perasan). HEHE. XD